Wednesday, January 22, 2014

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name signature in class file

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name&signature in class file

Problem :

We come across this common exception when using eclipse.

Exception I Encountered Was :


java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name signature in class file


Solution :

This exception was caused when i was importing maven project in my eclipse. After importing the project and starting the server i came across this common exception. Please see the below explanation to resolve the exception.

Example :

When trying to import a already existing Maven project, select / browse the appropriate folder. Then click on finish rather than clicking the next button.

Clicking the next button created a different package structure which actually caused the exception "java.lang.ClassFormatError".

Similar Exception :


- java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name signature in class file

1 comment:

  1. Aqui aconteceu um problema parecido, mas o fato gerador foi diferente, algum processo do meu eclipse entrou em loop, após algum tempo o proprio eclipse perguntou se eu gostaria de encerrar para evitar corrompimento do workspace, aceitei, depois quando abri cai no problema deste post.

    Remover o projeto do eclipse e importar novamente resolveu.
